To my dear subscribers,
I’m not much for humor today. I imagine you may not be, either.
Selfishly, one of the strongest feelings I have this morning—beyond heartbreak and anger—is powerlessness. I want to do something. And it seems like many of you do, too:
I believe there is hope to be found in our collective ache and need for change.
This cannot be overstated: the majority of Americans want stricter gun control. For those of us who have the emotional and physical bandwidth, we must continue to be as loud as possible about stricter gun control. There is no other way.
If you’re looking for data points to use when being as loud as possible, here are a couple links (below). CW: gun violence is heavily discussed and represented in visual data.
Finally, if something lighthearted is what you’re seeking, here are links to some of my favorite humor pieces from the archives.
That’s all for this week. I’m thinking of my mom today, who teaches. I’m thinking of all teachers, and all parents, and of you. Take care of yourself today, and every day.
Proud to be an American? So many f***ing ways I am NOT proud and gun issues is number. One of my teens looked at me yesterday and said, “this is why I am scared to go to school.” I had tornado drills growing up and my kids have shooter drills.
Oh I’m so broken-hearted and angry. The GOP want to arm teaches instead of deal with the the gun issue. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna30444