We’re the US Senate, and Our Job is to Represent Up To or Less Than 40 Percent of Americans
“The Senate blocked consideration of a bill to protect the right to abortion nationwide… Across the country, approximately 60 percent of people think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, a number that has stayed roughly the same for three decades.” —The Washington Post
Hi there, we’re the United States Senate, and we’d like to take a moment to address the result of one of our latest votes, in which we blocked consideration of a bill to protect the right to abortion nationwide, even though 60 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal. The explanation is simple: Our job—as we see it—is to dutifully represent up to or less than 40 percent of American citizens.
Why don’t we shoot for the full 100 percent? Why not, say, at least 50 percent? Because we only personally agree with up to four in ten of you. The other six or more of you can go to hell.